Bird Photography by Kenneth Hanson
Lesser Goldfinch
Snow geese taking off
Cacophonous explosion of snow geese
Bosque sunrise
Juvenile Bald Eagle flies by South Sawyer Glacier
Bald eagle at Juneau Raptor Center
Moon setting on the Bosque
Sandhills flying before rainbow
Snow geese flying by foggy Chupadera Mountains
Snow geese gather before sunrise
Pacific pelican
Skating on thin ice
Dawn patrol
Pelicans at the Bosque del Apache
Northern cardinal
Crested caracara
Great blue heron in marsh
Painted Bunting
Bosque at daybreak
Sandhill cranes at daybreak
Snow geese mass ascension
Sandhills taking off at sunrise
Sandhill cranes feeding at sunset
Gull watching sun set
Rufous hummingbird in spruce
Hovering hummer
Pine siskins fighting
Lava heron eying Sally lightfoot
Black-necked stilt
Black-necked stilts
Mockingbird on stump
Flightless cormorant with a gift
Frigatebird with nesting material
Magnificent frigatebird
What about my feet?
Peacock in Nambe
Burrowing owl on alert
Burrowing owls on guard
Geese on ice
Acorn woodpecker
Winking hummer
Hummingbird at penstemon
Hummingbird hovering at penstemon
Soaring eagle
Arctic tern feeding chick
Snowy egret
Christmas hawk